Murphys' "Cottage" Pie

This is one of Eric’s all-time favorites! I think it takes him back to the dirt road in Ashburn, GA where he grew up! As soon as Eric and I started dating, 'Shepherd’s Pie' and Upside-down Pineapple Cake were the two family recipes I asked for! Seven years going strong, and I still haven’t made his Granddaddy Kenneth’s Upside-down Pineapple cake … should probably get on that in the near future! I was a little strange growing up (this should be no surprise to anyone), and I really didn’t like my food to touch so this southern girl is not really a fan of casseroles ... I know, I know! The first time Eric made this, I turned my nose up but now, we at least eat it once a month! Funny story—before Eric’s Dad passed, he lived with us for a short time. One night, I made this for dinner, and we were just about done eating when I asked everyone how it was (can’t mess up the family recipe). His dad replied, “It was good, but you put the peas in before the meat or you mess it all up.” I wasn’t expecting his reply and from that point forward, it is now a running joke with Eric’s family. To this day, I always think about that and always confuse myself. I usually end up texting Eric’s niece Anna to find out. Gosh forbid, I put the meat before the peas! Ha Ha!

Fun Fact- According to Google, did you know that 'Shepherd's Pie' is actually made with Lamb. If you make it with beef it should be called 'Cottage Pie'!

1 pound lean ground beef
¼ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp onion power
2 cans Sweet Peas
2 packages of instant mash potatoes
2 cups Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Boil 4 cups of water in pan. Add packages of instant mash potatoes and stir until mixed.
  • Cook meat until brown. Add onion and garlic powder. Drain grease from meat and put to the side.
  • Drain peas and add to a 9x13 Pyrex dish for your first layer. Then layer meat, mash potatoes, and cheese.
  • Place in oven for 15 minutes or until cheese is melted.

Terrible Picture! Sorry!

Happy Eating!


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