The Best Fruit Salad

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all had an awesome holiday with your family! This was Eric and my first Christmas married, and while it wasn’t anything like I had envisioned, it was perfect.  I can’t be the only one that goes through longing for your childhood traditions. It’s somewhat sad when you realize you've grown up, all your cousins got married, new families are made, and some of your family that used to be close moves away. Oh to be eating lasagna at my aunt’s house, listening to my grandmother read the Christmas Story, and waiting with such anticipation to see what was in my knitted monogrammed stocking that my great grandmother made. I might be twenty-five years old, but when the holidays come around, I wish I was still 10 years old. While some traditions have ended, there is always room for new traditions to begin.  I am already excited for next year to be in our new home and to be starting new traditions. First up, picking out a real tree. Eric and I have talked about this for years but decided we wouldn’t do this until we were married.  This is a tradition that Eric’s family used to do and one he loved doing. I have to say I am ecstatic about it because we always had a fake tree growing up. Until next year, Christmas you were a good one! 
What family traditions do you and your family do during the holidays? 
Until I can get into our new home (P.S. cabinets were installed this week!!) and start posting on the blog more, follow me on my Two Forks One Budget Instagram page. You can keep up with me there!! Below is the link.
On Christmas Day, we went over to my Aunt Cathy’s for Christmas Day Brunch. While I didn’t take a picture of the fruit salad I made on Christmas Day, I would like to share with you this awesome recipe. Apparently, I was too distracted with mimosas to remember to take a picture. 
I actually stole this recipe from my Aunt Katie who lives in Atlanta. My cousin Ashley, graduated college this past summer, and this fruit salad was served at her party. I literally ate the whole bowl--it was so good! I have always been a fruit fanatic, but I took it to a new level with this simple fruit salad recipe. I didn’t add peaches to the mix because they are out of season, but I highly recommend adding them when summer comes around. You can add whatever fruits you would like. I added the following:
1 small package of Blueberries
1 package of Strawberries
3 Bananas 
1/2 Cantaloupe 
1 Pineapple 
2 cups of Grapes 
¼ cup Fat-Free Vanilla Pudding 
1 tsp Lime Juice
  • Slice fruit – I did not add bananas until the very last minute because they turn brown fast.
  • Mix up fruit and sprinkle lime juice and fat free pudding on fruit.
  • Keep in refrigerator until ready to serve.

Tomorrow I will share with you one of my childhood favorite holiday recipes. I make it every Christmas season, and I tend to eat the whole tin.
Here are Chopper and Murray on Christmas Eve. Aren’t they precious?

Happy Eating!


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