Heavenly Oreo Dessert and Original Chex-Mix

Happy New Year!

Out with the old, in with the new. Whew, 2016 was one of the hardest and best years of my life. Is that even possible? I definitely feel like this is the year I realized that I am truly an adult. My high moment of 2016 was absolutely marrying Eric, but my low moment was a couple of things: 1.Selling and building a house at the same time (so much stress and adult conversations). While this is a high as well, the process is difficult. 2. Watching some of my best friends go through some really hard moments last year. It’s not easy seeing some of your best friends go through trial and tribulations. Of course, you try to do anything you can for them, but it’s not an easy process and can be such a helpless feeling. I am so proud of my friends for their strength and courage through those hardships. 3. Lastly, turning 25. My birthday this past year was a hard one. While my husband and friends stepped up to the plate to make it a great one, it was a different feeling than I had ever felt before.

In other news, Eric and I headed down to South Georgia for the Hogan Family Christmas this past weekend. Usually, this falls on the second weekend in December. With work and it being the busiest week of the year for us, we have a hard time getting down there each year. Eric and I were so glad to be able to make it this year and spend some time with his extended family.

I was going to share with you my favorite Christmas snack recipe that I make every year, but we were in the car all day and I couldn’t get to a computer.  So today, I am going to share with you two recipes that I made this weekend. They are so easy and delicious. The Heavenly Oreo Dessert was a huge hit. The whole pan was gone before I could get to it. Thanks to Eric’s cousin Chris for coming to my rescue and getting me a scoop. Apparently, I should have made more! The Chex-Mix was a huge hit too and a perfect snack for the weekend.

For the Heavenly Oreo Dessert, I changed some of the ingredients to “healthier” ingredients. I did this to make myself feel better. I change to Lite Cool Whip, 1/3 Less Fat Cream Cheese, and Fat-Free Chocolate Pudding mix.

For the Chex-mix, I added just Corn Chex and Rice Chex. I'm not a fan or the Wheat Chex and its cheaper if you just do two cereals. Also, I added goldfish. I don't know why I did this one year, but I did and haven't looked back. I also don't add mixed nuts like the original recipe states, I add cashew. When I was younger I only liked cashews.

Heavenly Oreo Dessert

1 (15.35 ounce) package Double-Stuffed Oreos
½ cup butter, melted
2 packages (3.9 ounce, each) Fat-Free Instant Chocolate pudding mix
3 ¼ cups cold milk
2 (8 ounce) containers Lite Cool Whip
1 (8 ounce) block 1/3 less fat cream cheese, softened
1 cup powdered sugar

  • In a bowl, whisk together the 2 pudding mixes and milk. Cover and place in fridge to set. I left mine in fridge for about an hour.
  • Take a large zip-lock bag and place all the Oreo cookies inside. Seal bag shut and place on counter. Using a rolling pin, crush the cookies until they are small chunks/crumbs. You want them to still be chunky and small, but not fine crumbs.
  • Set aside half of the cookie crumbs for the topping. Pour the other half of cookie crumbs into a 9×13 baking pan. Pour the melted butter over the crumbs and mix well to combine. Once combined, press into the pan to form a crust.
  • In a medium bowl, stir cream cheese until smooth. Slowly add in the powdered sugar. Mix in one container of Cool Whip. Spread mixture over the cookie crust. Next, take chocolate pudding and spread over the cream cheese mixture. Spread the other container of Cool Whip over the chocolate pudding layer. Sprinkle the top with the remaining cookie crumbs. Cover and chill in fridge at least 2 hours before serving.
Original Chex-Mix
4 ½ cups Corn Chex cereal
4 ½ cups Rice Chex cereal
1 cup cashews
1 cup stick pretzels
1 cup goldfish
6 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 ½ teaspoons seasoned salt
¾ teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon onion powder

  • Pre-heat oven to 250°.
  • In large microwavable bowl, mix cereals, cashews, pretzels and goldfish; set aside. In small microwavable bowl, microwave butter uncovered on High about 40 seconds or until melted. Stir in seasonings. Pour over cereal mixture; stir until evenly coated.
  • Put cereal and seasoning mixture into ungreased roasting pan and bake for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes. Spread on paper towels to cool, about 15 minutes.
Happy Eating!

Original Recipes



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