Asian Edamame Fried Rice

I am already needing the weekend to get here! February has been a busy month at work! I sometimes wonder why the work week and the weekend can’t be reversed. I mean wouldn’t it be so nice if we were off 5 days a week and only worked two? I’ll keep dreaming.
Yesterday, was a challenging day for me eating wise. I was starving all day but somehow pulled through. I did cheat and had two small caramel kisses, but besides that I stayed on track. BUT, I did count the calories for the kisses, so I guess I really didn’t cheat. I keep up with all my calories on the app My Fitness Pal. I love that app! I went to Calorie King to figure out how many calories I should eat. For my height and weight it told me 1150 to 1350 and so I went right down the middle and decided on 1250. So if you are ever curious how many calories you should eat, try Calorie King.
Eric had to work late last night so we didn’t sit down for dinner until about 8pm. Thankfully, I got up early yesterday morning and went ahead and cooked the rice so I didn’t have to do that when I got home. Last night, I cooked Asian Edamame Skinny Fried Rice. It was really good! Next time, I might add chicken for some more protein, but it was very filling. I added an extra egg white in there for extra protein.
Eric and I usually don’t do dessert, if we do it’s a popsicle but each night while Eric and I are watching TV we always share a bowl of popcorn. We have done this for many years now and it is one of our favorite snacks. In fact, it’s the whole family’s favorite snack. Chopper and Murray enjoy it just as much as we do. This popcorn addiction actually started early on in my life. My Dad and I would always share a bowl each night just before bed. We actually had a code word growing up, “255”. That was the perfect amount of time for all kernels to be popped! HA! My Dad would always pair this bowl of popcorn with a Mt. Dew and still to this day, I hear his voice in the back of my head saying, “hey it’s almost your bed time, stop drinking my dew”. Anyways, fun how the tradition continues with a bowl of popcorn each night. I share this story because last night I actually talked Eric into substituting the bowl of popcorn for fruit. Boring I know, but it was a great healthy replacement! I cut up grapes, strawberries and apples. While it’s nothing like popcorn, we did enjoy this healthy snack!
Tomorrow I will share with you another Zoodle Recipe! I am excited to try this tonight!
3 cups Uncle Ben's Brown Rice
3 egg whites, scrambled
1 whole egg, scrambled 
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, diced 
1/2 cup shredded carrot
1 cup ready-to-eat shelled edamame
2 tbsp low sodium soy sauce

  • Whisk eggs and egg whites, season with salt and pepper. In a pan, spray a little oil and cook the eggs. When cooked, remove from pan and set aside.
  • Let pan get hot. Add oil and cook onions, carrots and garlic for about 30-60 seconds, careful not to burn.
  • Add brown rice and stir well a few minutes to heat through. Add cooked egg along with soy sauce and edamame, mixing well for about 3-4 minutes. 
Happy Eating!
Original Recipe- Asian Edamame Fried Rice


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