Homemade Pizza

It’s almost Friday!! Woo Hoo! Um, yesterday was one of my highest traffic days since starting my blog! Thank you, guys! I loved getting all the feedback that many people are trying to decorate on a budget like me. This is the whole reason I shared my story. If you are anything like me, I could walk into a store and leave it to me to pick out the most expensive thing. I have expensive taste and OFTEN have to reel myself back in. Maybe once a week, I will start writing about something that doesn’t pertain to food? We shall see!
Last night, I was tired and had planned to cook a yummy meal and have friends over for dinner, but we had to do a rain check because she got sick! So, I was at Publix by 5:15pm and home by 5:45pm. Eric was home as well! This doesn’t happen often as many of you know, but I was thrilled to say the least. Eric on the other hand, not so much! Want to know why? Because that means we are on the couch by 6:45 pm, and I am falling asleep by 7:30pm. Does anyone else have this problem? I am out like a light switch. I have two settings: on and off. If I get comfortable, it’s over. I think I have maybe watched 5 movies total in my lifetime without falling asleep. It’s bad—ask my husband or any of my friends!
Anyhow, I was roaming the aisles at Publix not knowing what to cook. I wanted something easy because I was feeling lazy. I randomly had an unhealthy idea to make pizza. I am one of these people thought that if I am going to do it, then I want to do it right. So I picked out a fancy flat bread crust (most important part), a homemade sauce, real pepperoni out of the deli section, and a 6-blend Italian shredded cheese mixture. I figured I would go simple on toppings for the first go around. Y’all, it was so good and super quick!!! When I think homemade pizza, it takes me back to being a kid and Lunchables days. My sister used to love the pizza Lunchables…gross, it tasted like cardboard to me! I mean you couldn’t even melt the cheese at school, and you were using a plastic red stick to spread your “sauce.” HA! I was definitely a turkey, cheese, and cracker type of Lunchable girl!
This meal cost me $18.47, and I have enough ingredients left over to make another pizza. The Brooklyn Bred Crust (it is spelled exactly like that) is a two pack which is awesome because we only used one last night and had left overs!  Lastly, I paired this with a spring mix salad with corn, black beans and tomatoes! Yum!
Brooklyn Bred Traditional 2 crust (I found this in between the deli and fresh produce, and they only sell this at Publix)
13 oz Rao’s Homemade Pizza Sauce
10 oz Publix Deli Slice Pepperoni
8 oz Publix 6-Cheese Italian Fancy Shredded Cheese
Extra light olive oil
  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  • Pre-bake crust. Lightly brush crust with olive oil and place on oven rack for 3-5 mins.
  • Add your favorite toppings. There is no specific instructions on this. I added sauce, cheese, and pepperoni. I then topped with another layer of cheese. I also left a crust around the edges.
  • For Crispy Crust, bake directly on oven rack or for Chewy Crust, bake on a sheet pan. 
  • Bake for an additional 5-8 mins.

Happy Eating!


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