Lunch Meal Prep

Mondays are hard enough in themselves, but I didn’t need it to be cold and rainy too. Not only that, but when I left, Eric and the two dogs were snuggled up in bed!
So last week, I was going to share with you a new zoodle recipe, but when Eric and I tried it Thursday evening, it wasn’t that good! Hey, sometimes it happens. The recipe was lacking substance! I am trying another new zoodle recipe that I think is going to be awesome!  I will share it with you this week.
Saturday, I went to Costco and did a big grocery run. I seriously have to be so careful in that store I can spend $300 in minutes.  If you follow me on Two Forks One Budget Instagram, you saw that I did a little bulk meat buying and separated it up into portions.  $61 of meat (fresh salmon, chicken, and lean beef) got me 14 meals for two people and came in at $4.36 a meal. I highly recommend buying in bulk. It was a beautiful week and made me so ready for spring.  Murray and I went on a nice walk yesterday. I would say we did close to 3 miles. I am s ready for warmer weather, so we can be outside more!
Last night, I cooked for about 4 hours. I cooked Eric and I dinner which was a somewhat healthy breakfast casserole. I will share the recipe tomorrow! I also meal prepped my lunches for the week. Lastly, I cooked Eric lunch for his two off days this week. Luckily, he gets to eat lunch at work on the days he works. I thought I would share with you what I cooked.
Karrie’s Lunch
  • 4oz sautéed Chicken Breast seasoned a hint of olive oil, salt and pepper
  • 4oz sautéed Green Beans with 1/8 teaspoon butter and minced garlic
  • 4oz of Roasted Sweet Potatoes with extra light olive oil and a dusting of cinnamon
  • For the chicken—I put a hint of olive oil in the pan. Season both sides of the chicken and cook for about 15 to 20 minutes depending how thick the chicken breast is.
  • For the green beans—I put a 1/8 tsp of butter in pan. Season green beans with minced garlic (you can use olive oil if you don’t want to use butter). I cook these for about 5 minutes on medium heat and then turn it to low and place top on pan and let them simmer for about 10 minutes. Side note—You still want them to be a little firm because when you reheat them, they will get softer.
  • For sweet potatoes—Pre-heat oven for 400 degrees. I took 1 whole potato and cut it into small cubes. Pour a small amount of olive oil to lightly coat the sweet potatoes. Pour on sheet pan. Then dust with cinnamon. Cook for 30 minutes. I like a little crunch on mine, so the last 5 minutes I turned the broiler on.
Eric’s Lunch
  • 4oz sautéed Chicken Breast seasoned a hint of olive oil, salt and pepper
  • 4oz sautéed Green Beans with 1/8 teaspoon butter and minced garlic
  • 6oz Baked Potato (he doesn’t care for sweet potatoes). You can microwave the potato or put it in the oven.
I am so glad that I did this yesterday because I woke up 44 minutes late and was running out the door this morning. I guess that’s what happens when you wake up at 3:00am and can’t go back to sleep so you watch What A Girl Wants and Couples Retreat. All I can say is it will be an early night!! Ha!
Happy Eating!


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