Breakfast Casserole

Somehow, someway another weekend has come and gone! I really didn’t mean to not post at all last week, but it was extremely busy week and Eric got home late every night. Seriously, my dinner one night was bowl of popcorn, and another night, it was guacamole and fresh fruit…oops!

Today starts a crazy few weeks for me and Eric. Our March is slammed, and seriously thank goodness for my calendar on my phone to remind me of things or my anxiety would be out the roof. So I might not be doing tons of blog posts this month but keep up with me on Instagram. I have a feeling I’ll be posting a lot of food pictures over the next couples of weeks. There goes this healthy eating I have been doing.
Last Sunday, I was meal prepping, and I didn’t feel like cooking anything that I truly had to put effort in. So what’s better than a somewhat healthy breakfast casserole? The hubs was completely ok with this and ate half the pan. Hey Eric, the key to healthy eating is moderation! LOL! I didn’t really change anything about this recipe. You can change ingredients to make it as healthy or non-healthy as you want! This is actually a family recipe that my mom has been making for years. Honestly, this is the first time I have ever made this. I know I grew up in the south, but until recently, I wasn't a fan of casseroles.
8 slices of Sara Lee Multi Grain Bread (45 calories a slice)
1lb Ground Turkey or Sausage
1 ½ cups Fat Free Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 cup Milk
6 Eggs
¼ tsp Ground Pepper
  • Preheat oven to 350 F.
  • In a medium skillet, cook the sausage until brown.
  • Spray the bottom of 9x13 casserole dish.
  • Cut bread into cubes (I always take off crust). Add cubes to dish.
  • Add sausage and cheese.
  • Beat eggs in a mixing bowl and then add milk and pepper. Stir thoroughly.
  • Pour on top of the layered bread, cheese, and sausage.
  • Cook for 35-40 minutes.
  • Let stand for a few minutes and then cut into 12 squares.

Happy Eating!


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