Whole 30- Day 3- Grilled Salmon with Mango Salsa

Day 3—Nothing too eventful happened yesterday! The biggest change I have noticed through this process so far is that my husband is asleep before I am...Um for anyone that knows me this is HUGE! I am always the first asleep no matter where or who I’m with. My parents always joked when I was growing up that I had an on and off switch. So to say the least, I am loving that Eric and I are in bed by like 9pm, and Eric is asleep by 9:30. Gosh, we turned old fast!

Last night, I was off early and got home before Eric, so I took time making dinner and playing with the dogs. I made Salmon with mango salsa and grilled asparagus. Eric and I really enjoy the recipe it was very filling and a great summer recipe. As soon as I walked in the door, I started making the mango salsa that paired with our Salmon, so it could marinate a little and chill in the fridge. I’m glad I did because it was so flavorful. I recently made a mango salsa, and it had honey and strawberries and lime juice in it. I couldn’t add honey to this, but I did add strawberries and a little fresh squeezed lime juice. I wanted it to have more of a salsa feel. I actually enjoyed this recipe more than I did my previous mango salsa. It made the dish.

I made sure when we were at Costco to get wild Salmon and not the farmed raised. I could really tell the difference in color and flavor. Wild is the way to go! I also grilled up some asparagus and threw some sea salt, avocado oil, pepper, and a little garlic powder on them. They were delicious!

4 6-ounce salmon fillets
½ teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon chili powder
Salt and pepper to taste
Juice of 1 lime
Mango Salsa
1 mango, diced
½ red pepper, diced
½ red onion, diced
1 small jalapeño, seeded and finely chopped
½ lime
3 strawberries
¼ cup packed cilantro leaves, roughly chopped


  • In a medium bowl stir together mangos, red peppers, onions, jalapeños, strawberries, lime juice, and cilantro. Set in fridge until ready to use.
  • Stir together garlic powder, chili powder, and salt and pepper. Rub mixture into salmon fillets. Grill over medium heat for 6-8 minutes on each side.
  • Squeeze fresh lime juice over grilled salmon, and then top with mango salsa and serve.

Happy Eating!
Original Recipe 


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