Whole 30- Day 4- Chipotle

Day 4— Last Thursday was a hard day for me hunger wise. I don’t know why, but I was hungry all day. I also had to work later and didn’t get off till 7:00pm which meant I really didn’t eat until 8pm. By the time I stopped and picked up dinner and got home, it was 7:45pm. Yes, you read that right. I said I stopped and picked up dinner! Did you know you can do that on the Whole 30? I picked up dinner for Eric and I at Chipotle, and it was so nice to not have to cook. Let’s talk about Chipotle for a minute.

First and foremost, I just had Chipotle for the first time in my life in March on a bachelorette trip. I’ll be honest, I didn’t know they didn’t have queso on their menu, and the one time I went into Chipotle, I was wanting cheese dip (I actually just read an article saying they are about to add queso to their menu, yay!). So fast forward to March, I ordered a bowl loaded with everything, and I think I ate the entire bowl. It was delicious. I was hooked from that moment on.

Anyways, I started doing research on what you can and can’t have from “fast food’ places while on the Whole 30. Don’t worry, the list was short—very short.  I was also reading up because I went to Nashville this past weekend and knew we would be eating out a lot. Tomorrow, I will tell you more about my weekend in Nashville on the Whole 30. When researching, the first thing that popped up that you COULD have was Chipotle. I was thrilled to say the least, although as I was reading, I was noticing the list was becoming very small of what you could actually have. So this is what you can order. Their bowls with carnitas, guacamole, salsa (beside Roasted Chili-Corn Salsa) and lettuce. Obviously, you can’t have the rice, beans, cheese, or sour cream. Unfortunately, all of their other meat is not cooked in Whole 30 approved oil (Rice Bran Oil). Lastly, you cannot get the fajita veggies because they are cooked with Rice Bran Oil as well. I was disappointed about the veggies. I actually went home and used left over veggies and sautéed them to throw on top of my bowl. It turned out great! I also put in our bowls left over mango salsa from the night before. This meal was so delicious and flavorful. I literally licked the bowl. If you follow me on Instagram you saw my empty bowl, lol! So if you are ever in a position where you forgot your lunch, don’t want to cook, or you just want to eat out, you always have Chipotle to lean on.  

Last night I made hamburgers with homemade potato chips and grilled asparagus. I could have eaten the whole pan of the potato chips. They were salty and crunchy and so freakin’ yummy! Eric and I were full all evening. Tomorrow, I’ll share with you the recipe and all about my weekend in Nashville. It WASN’T easy on Whole 30!

Happy Eating!


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