Whole 30 Day 8-9 Grilled Cliantro Lime Pork Tenderloin

Day 8-9
So Day 8 was just another day. Nothing too much to talk about. I actually had a failed dinner Monday night! Eric and I tried these frozen chicken burgers from Trader Joe's, and they just weren’t good. Oops, but I guess every now and then you run into things you just don’t care for. 
Day 9--Tuesday was a good day! I told Eric that after my failed meal Monday night that I would cook us a good one. So last night we had grilled pork tenderloin, homemade potato chips (same recipe I share yesterday), and grilled veggies. For the marinade I made, I actually looked it up online. This was one thing I was a little nervous about because usually I buy marinade from the store. The recipe I found looked awesome, but I changed a few things on the marinade to better suit Eric and me. This recipe called for the spice cumin and Eric hates cumin. Somehow, someway he always knows when I incorporate it into my recipes, so I just decided to either add less than the recipe calls for or not add it at all. This time I decided to leave it out. I also changed olive oil to avocado oil. 
1 pork tenderloin
½ cup avocado oil
Juice of 3 limes 
2 Tbsp. Vinegar
1 clove garlic minced
½ cup of cilantro leaves
  • Place Tenderloin inside Ziploc bag.
  • Mix all ingredients in bowl and then pour into bag.
  • Let marinade for 4-24 hours.
I also decided to clean out my veggie drawer and grill some veggies. I used yellow pepper, zucchini, squash, and mushrooms. I wanted to use them up before they went bad. I put avocado oil, salt, pepper, garlic, and a little of balsamic vinegar. Super easy!
Last night, I cooked Fajitas and it was by far the most flavor we have had in a meal since we started this. I told Eric that even when we are off Whole 30 I will continue to cook this recipe. I will share this recipe tomorrow.
Happy Eating!


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