Whole 30- Day 20- High Falls Park

Last Sunday Eric and I decided we want to go to a swimming hole and take the dogs. Eric and I have been to Oak Mountain countless times, so these last few hiking trips, we have ventured out of town. We decided to go to a place call High Falls Park. It is just past Gadsden and absolutely beautiful. This was Mack’s first time hiking/swimming, and he loved it. Murray hates swimming since she can’t put her feet down and then she sinks because her butt is so heavy, LOL! She does love standing in the water to her belly, but that’s it. Anyways, we spent most of the day here and played in the water, watched crazy people jump from the top of the water falls, and hiked a little! It was truly a perfect day, and I felt like we were on vacation. Eric and I were starving and decided to stop at Publix and get some shrimp, pineapple, and RX bars. This was our lunch. Oh how I craved a turkey sandwich. I have to say we made the best of it!
So the last week I haven’t done much of an update. I’ll be honest, I’m kind of making my way through round two of the same meals I cooked the first two weeks and not much has changed. I have been trying to keep it pretty simple because the Whole 30 can get costly. I finally found Matty’s BBQ Sauce by Tessemae’s that I had been looking for. So last night I marinated a Pork Tenderloin in the BBQ sauce and cooked it on the grill. I also cooked up two baked potatoes. Eric and I stuff our baked potatoes with pork tenderloin and little more BBQ sauce, and it was so filing. We were stuffed.

This past week Eric and I really started applying exercise with the Whole 30. I wanted to do it the week before, but I got sick and lost my voice. Anyways, Eric and I have been going on bike rides each night for 5-8 miles. We really enjoy doing this together, and it looks like we have found something we both enjoy. We recently just got Eric a bike, so we hadn’t been able to do this before. With adding exercise, I have seen some weight come off.

So tomorrow is Day 31 for us, and we are so excited. Excited to have learned many things throughout this process and to implement them in our permanent diet. I plan to keep up the Whole 30 for the most part but add things in like hummus, corn, beans, and whole wheat English muffins. I am hoping to stay in this healthy direction. Eric and I have agreed on 1 cheat day a week. Tomorrow I will share with you what we took away from this.

Here are some picture of us from High Falls Park!


Happy Eating!


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