Creamy Tomato Basil Soup

Um it’s freezing! I don’t do cold weather. I pretty much hibernate during January and February. Since Tuesday here in Alabama, we have had icy roads covered with a light dusting of snow. I am so ready for 75 degree weather…Spring, where are you?  

I know I haven’t been doing a good job of keeping up with the blog lately. It’s funny how in my last post I said I was going to start getting back into the swing of things. Well, I lied! December was hands down the busiest month of the year for me. Let’s see—121 Christmas parties and two weddings later, I was beyond ready for vacation. To say I had no time on my hands was an understatement. Actually let’s just be really honest here. We have had no food at our home, and I had not touched my house cleaning wise since the end of November. So 8 hours of cleaning, 10 loads of laundry, and $400 later we are now stocked up on food, have clean clothes, and my house is in somewhat decent shape. This is real life people!

A week ago today my family got back from our family vacation to Hawaii (hence the 10 loads of laundry). We had such an amazing time and coming back home was depressing. I am going to do a blog post on Maui because I have had several people ask me a bunch of questions. Hopefully it will be helpful to those that are wanting to travel there soon.

Wednesday I was able to work from home—can I do this every day? Gosh it was so nice to be in the comfort of my own home snuggling with my dogs while responding to emails and having dinner cooked at a decent hour yesterday. I mean really Eric, can I be a stay at home dog mom? Ha! Before Eric left for work I asked him what he wanted for dinner. His response: Tomato Basil Soup and Grilled Cheese. So that’s what we had. I’m pretty sure I enjoyed the grilled cheese the most. I forgot how good they were. This could be an issue guys.

This is a very easy recipe! On a cold night like last night, it was the perfect meal!

3 - 14.5 ounce cans Hunts diced fire-roasted tomatoes 
2 cups of chicken bone broth (or just chicken broth)
6 cloves of garlic 
1 yellow onion (or 1 TBSP of onion powder)  
¾ teaspoons salt 
½ teaspoon black pepper 
1 tsp sugar 
1 cup organic valley heavy cream 
¼ cup organic basil- chopped
½ cup of shredded parmesan cheese

  • Add tomatoes, chicken bone broth, onion/onion powder, garlic, salt, pepper, and sugar to the Crock-Pot and cook on high for 4 hours.
  • After the 4 hours, add in the chopped basil leaves.
  • Pour in blender. Blend soup until smooth. 
  • Return soup to Crock-Pot.
  • After blended, add in the heavy cream. Mix well. 
  • Cook for 15-20 minutes on high. 
  • Top with the parmesan cheese and enjoy! You can pair this with grilled cheese like I did or with oyster crackers, croutons, or bread.

Happy Eating! 
Original Recipe-Creamy Tomato Basil Soup


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