Newport, RI Travel Guide

Back in June, Eric and I went on an east coast trip that had been planned for two years. We were going to take this trip for our 1st wedding anniversary, but we unexpectedly decided to build a house. Let’s be real—we don’t have a money tree in our backyard, so we put this trip on hold. I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing this trip was. From the weather (I always stress about this), to the amazing adventures we went on, to the food, Eric and I had a blast and also gained 10 pounds. I am going to break this up into three parts and try not to be too wordy. We were gone 8 days, flew into Boston, rented a car through Costco Travel our last day in Boston (highly recommend it), and then drove to Newport, RI (about an hour drive). Lastly, we caught a quick flight from Boston to New York City. First and foremost, June is the absolute perfect time to visit all of these places. We even had to put a jacket on a couple of nights, and the humidity was non-existent. This southern girl was loving it!
I am actually going to start with Newport, RI. I wish we would have had one more day here. It is such a quaint, relaxing town and while we were only here 24 hours, we saw a lot, but there was so much more to see. Eric and I got into Newport around 10am and drove straight to our first destination: Castle Hill Inn. Y’all, the grounds of this place are gorgeous. Eric and I grabbed a drink at the bar, sat in the lawn chairs, and watched the big sailboats and yachts go by. 

Pretty sure we could have done this all day, but we were eager to see the Castle Hill Lighthouse that was on their property as well. It was an easy little walk down to the lighthouse. For some reason, I have always had a thing for lighthouses. So we explored a little and soaked in the views. 
Eric and I continued walking on a path that looked like it had been walked on but not very frequently, and it led us to this amazing view. I am always thankful that Eric likes to go off the beaten path. It has led us to some incredible views. There was a lawn chair sitting on top of this cliff, and I plopped right down.
We were starving and wanted to try a place we passed on the way in called Midtown Oyster Bar. Boy am I glad we did because it was the best meal the whole trip. Eric and I sat on their rooftop deck and had rosé and lunch. I ordered a crab cake melt served on an English muffin paired with a corn relish and fries. I ate my whole plate. DELICIOUS!
After lunch, we explored a couple of the small shops, bought some fudge, and then headed to check into our hotel The Newport Marriott. We got settled pretty quickly, explored the hotel, grabbed a drink (Are you noticing a pattern here? Hey it’s vacation, right?!) and watched the boats come in and out of Newport Harbor. I actually snuck in a 30-minute nap before we went on our evening excursion.
We were so pumped to be taking a sunset cruise with Classical Cruises of Newport. We were on a huge sailboat called the Madeleine with about 20 other people. We sailed Newport Harbor for about 1.5 hours, sipped on champagne, and watched the sunset! It was beautiful! 
We also got to see where JFK and Jackie had their wedding reception on the lawn of a Victorian mansion. Our tour guides were awesome! 

By the time the sun went down, it was freezing. Actually, I’ll be honest, I was wrapped in a blanket pretty much the whole sail. Eric and I were wanting something warm, so we went over to a restaurant I had heard SO much about. From Yelp reviews to people who had been to Newport, they said Black Pearl was a must for their New England clam chowder. So we jumped off the boat and were stuffing our faces with New England clam chowder (OUT OF THIS WORLD) and saltines.
Eric turned to me after our chowder and told me he was craving a lobster roll, so I guess you could say we were restaurant hopping. SO off we went to The Lobster Bar and had a lobster roll for him and lobster bisque for me!  After dinner, we went back to the hotel and decided to be kids and go for a night swim. Perfect first day in Newport.

Eric and I woke up the next day pretty early, grabbed donuts from a cute little donut shop (birthday boy’s request) and headed out to the Cliff Walk. It was an overcast day, but that was probably best as we were about to go on a 3.5 mile walk and look at all these huge mansions that ran parallel to the coastline. These houses—oh my gosh. They were huge! If anyone is aware of the Vanderbilt family, their summer “cottage” called the Breakers was on this walk including numerous other mansions. Eric and I had so much fun seeing all the homes, playing the game “which one would we rather own,” and doing a little bit of rock climbing on the rocky shoreline.

We ended up leaving Newport a little earlier than we anticipated because Eric wanted to make a small detour to Foxborourgh, Massachusetts to see the Gillett Stadium aka the Patriots Stadium. Since it was his birthday, I was down for it. ;) We ended up eating a very late lunch near the stadium and watching to see if we saw any NFL players walk by, but sadly we didn’t. Eric and I then drove back to Boston to catch our 7pm flight to NYC.
I strongly recommend visiting Newport, RI if you ever get the chance. Eric and I would love to go back and see what else this little cute town has to offer.


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