I'm Back!

Wow! It has been a year since I have written a blog post! I did not mean to neglect my blog like I did, but life has gotten a little busy… Did I mention I had a baby?! Yes, Emma James Murphy was born March 20th at 6lbs, 5 oz., and 20.25 inches long. Seriously the best day of my life! Let’s be real, everyone reading this knows I had kid, but to all my followers and fans out there, if you didn’t…LOL, I’m kidding!

Anyways, Eric has begged me to start the blog back up (I think he is tired of breakfast for dinner), and I’ll be honest I missed sharing recipes with you. So I am going to make a small goal of one new recipe a week to share with y’all.

It finally decided to cool down in Alabama, and I’m in the mood to cook! Be on the lookout for some new recipes soon!

P.S. Here is a picture of the cutest baby in the world…my kid!


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