Healthy Eating and The Bachelor

Did anyone watch The Bachelor last night? Y’all, this show has been my guilty pleasure for years, but I felt like the classiness was missing out of the girls last night. Yes, there are always some wacky ones, but out of thirty girls, there are usually a handful of girls that seem to be the girl next door and have their life together. Has anyone heard the saying “less is more?!” Oh my goodness girls, some of you took it too far with your introductions. I swear I covered my face sixteen times throughout the show last night. My top picks right now include Vanessa I think she is naturally beautiful and although people were making fun of her “Spider-man” dress, that girl showed every curve the right way. I also like Rachel, and think Nick has a thing for attorneys, and I don’t blame him. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders, and I was glad she received the First Impression Rose. Lastly, I like Danielle M. from Nashville because she seems so passionate about her career and seems to be really sweet. Who are your top choices? This season should be interesting. I haven’t really been a big fan of Nick Vail since he threw Andi under the bus on National Television, but I guess you take those chances when you sign up for a reality show.  

Anyways, last night I cooked a pot roast in the Crock-Pot. I have put this recipe on the blog before, so below is the link to the recipe. It is one of the easiest and one of my favorites. We also roasted some asparagus in the oven.

If any of you followed me on my Instagram story yesterday, you saw that I started eating healthy again...or trying to. Yesterday, Eric and I started the healthy challenge. Gosh I forgot how hard it is! Last night, Eric and I were starving when we came home, but I was proud of my will power to not eat the whole bag of pretzels in my drawer. Every time I start portioning things out, I realize that I am normally eating double or triple the portion it calls for. You quickly find out it’s all about portions!

Yesterday this is what I ate:
Breakfast- 8:00am- Donut shop coffee with sweet-n-low and 1/3 cup skim milk
2 organic brown eggs scrambled and ½ avocado
Snack- 10:30am- 1 ounce pistachios
Lunch- 1:00pm- 1 packet of Lower brown sugar Oatmeal with banana
Snack- 2:30pm- 10 mini pretzels and 1 pack of strawberry crystal light energy- started getting a caffeine headache   
Dinner- 6:00pm- Pot roast, gold honey potatoes, carrots and asparagus and a small glass of ice tea.
Snack- 8:00pm- 2 cups of popped popcorn and indulged in a Christmas cookie because it was the last one left, and I needed it gone!

My total calorie intake was just over 1400 calories. I am really trying to stay at 1300 calories, but that cookie threw me over!

Tonight, I am cooking a Tex-Mex Chicken Chopped Salad. I will share with you tomorrow! I am excited about this dinner! 

Happy Eating!


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