Whole 30- Day 11- Pot Roast

I thought I would share with you why exactly I’m doing the Whole 30. I’ll be honest, the minute it comes up in conversation, some people’s comments are not exactly nice. I think this has taught me to be careful of what I say to people when concerning this topic. Are you really trying to put down someone that is trying to better themselves? Do they have a new health issue that has caused this significant change in their diet? You never know, so my advice is to be careful. Just because this is labeled as a DIET does not automatically mean someone thinks they need to lose weight. I’m sure that if losing weight occurs, it won’t hurt anyone’s feelings, but it might not be their ultimate goal or reason. I think it’s important to understand that just because someone decides to change their lifestyle (Whole 30, Gluten Free, Paleo, Vegan, Vegetarian), there could be a number of reasons as to why. I also think it is important to note that eating healthy is a personal choice, and everyone has a right to eat what they want without feeling guilty. So if you are eating healthy, that’s great but let others eat what they choose, without commentary!

First and foremost, losing weight was not my first reason of starting this program. My focus was more on eating healthier and creating new healthy habits all while exercising more. Since doing this blog, I have had an interest in educating myself on exactly what I’m putting into my body. Don’t get me wrong, as bad as Sour Patch Kids are for you, I will still eat them just maybe in moderation and not the whole bag in one sitting.

Since September 2015, my job significantly changed. What I mean by that is that I am now on the planning side of events and not executing side of events. So I pretty much have a desk job now. Back at my old job, I used to get 15k to 25k steps a day and not have to worry about a thing I ate because I was so active. Due to me not being as active during the day, I have seen it affect my body.  I have to challenge myself every day to get 10k steps. It was also time for me to grow up and stop eating Chick-Fil-A and Firehouse Subs every day and start eating healthier food.

So back to the question of why am I doing the Whole 30? 1. To become more aware of what I’m putting in my body. 2. To shed a few pounds that I have gained since taking my new job and being married. It sucks when none of your work clothes fit. There is nothing worse than your pants being too tight when you sit down all day. I would rather shed a few pounds than spend $500 on new work clothes. 3. Lastly, to truly take what I’m learning and make permanent changes to my diet. So there you have it, this is why I am doing the Whole 30.

I will also make one separate note that doing this with someone has really encouraged me and also made me realize that I do have the self-discipline to do this. Eric has truly been my rock, and I have been so proud of him. This has been more of a dramatic change for him than me, and he has 100% killed it.  

Day 11—One of Eric and my favorite meals is pot roast. I have shared this recipe with you before, but you can find it Here if you are curious. Anyways, I knew with being on the Whole 30 that I wasn’t going to be able to put half the stuff in it that I normally do, so I started looking on the internet for ideas and coming up with something different. I was very impressed with how this pot roast turned out, and I think I will cook it this way even once we are off the Whole 30. It has great flavor, and it’s awesome to know it is good for you too. It was so nice to come home and dinner be ready the minute I walked in the door!

24 ounces of beef broth
1 chuck roast
3-5 red new potatoes
1 small bag of baby carrots
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp onion powder
Salt and pepper to taste

  • Place roast in Crock-pot.
  • Add all ingredients.
  • Cook on low for 8 hours.

Tomorrow, I will share with you about our shrimp boil. We had a small group of friends over to the house Sunday evening, and we had a blast! Although watching everyone eat hummus, pita chips, and this yummy dip my friend Tatum made was hard…that and the 19 desserts everyone brought over!

Happy Eating! 


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